*Learn How the “SECURE Act” Affects You*
Seminars with Anne McKinney and Victoria Tillman Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2020 and Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020
The so-called “SECURE Act” makes significant changes in the income tax
treatment of inherited retirement funds. */With very few exceptions, it
will no longer be possible to “stretch-out” IRAs or other retirement
funds over the lifetimes of your children, grandchildren, nieces,
nephews or friends. /*Moreover, the Retirement Account Trusts (RATs)
that we have been using should be modified in most situations as a
result of this new legislation.
In these special seminars for our clients and friends, Anne McKinney and
Victoria Tillman will help you to better understand the new law and its
impact on your planning for retirement assets. If you have significant
retirement assets, or if you have Retirement Account Trusts for any of
your beneficiaries, we urge you to join us for one of these seminars:
*Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020
6 p.m. — 8 p.m.
Foundry at the Fair Site*
747 World’s Fair Park, Knoxville, TN 37902
*Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020
10 a.m. — Noon
Community Church at Tellico Village*
130 Chota Center, Loudon, TN 37774
Please note: We have reserved seating for those who have called or
emailed to RSVP; otherwise, seating is first-come, first-served. If you
want to reserve a seat, please call us at 865-525-8700 or email us at
rsvp@PassItOnWell.com. */We also will post the seminar handout and any
other related information in the “Free Resources” section of our
website, www.PassItOnWell.com.
These are seminars for clients of our firm, but you are welcome to bring
a guest if you like. We look forward to seeing you at one of these
seminars, and/or hearing from you directly.